Wednesday, February 26, 2020

American History Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American History - Article Example His influence in the American society, therefore, lies in his activism against Communism and his effort to protect the State against disloyalty, security risks, and Communist infiltrations (â€Å"Senator Joseph McCarthy,† n.d.). During the term of Senator McCarthy, he tried to put into trial those who are Communists and their supporters. The goal of his administration is to prevent the Communists from infiltrating the State and risk military and civilian security, as well as the government’s information and technical system (â€Å"Senator Joe McCarthy,† n.d.). In addition, his committee gathered information on, mostly, government officials, which was later proven to be faulty and had no substantial evidence. As a result, Senator McCarthy faced issues related to civil liberties as he, seemingly, deprived the people of their freedom of belief and expression. However, in the brighter side, his aims are for the good of the government as those develop loyalty and security, as well as ensure that the Democratic stand of the nation is still solid. Therefore, his life and works had made him a prominent figure in American

Sunday, February 9, 2020

How does buying a cup of coffee from Starbucks affect the environment Dissertation - 1

How does buying a cup of coffee from Starbucks affect the environment - Dissertation Example Unfortunately, when it comes to Starbucks, their biggest negativity is the non –recyclable cups of synthetic nature which pollute the earth on a considerable level. Starbucks being a huge food chain have captured the coffee market globally by taking on the increased demand of coffee lovers. According to (Austin,2004) â€Å"Starbucks had revenue of $2.7 billion in 2001, up from $465 million in 1995 (see Exhibit 1 forfinancials). Nearly two-thirds of revenue came from coffee beverages, 15% from coffee beans, and24% from food and coffee-related items†.They also maintain their good will by means of powerful advertisement they display in the international business arena. This coffee chain have spread over much part of the globe and have influenced people many people in buying their product , as it is assured to be the best and perfect in the market. As per (Laminetez)â€Å"Starbucks switched its plastic cups from polyethylene (No. 1) to polypropylene (No. 5), which uses 45% less greenhouse gases†. ... The Starbucks in order to save on the cost factor ignore the natural disaster their coffee cups can bring about in the nature. Even though people feel convenient in drinking from their non –recyclable cups, they are less knowledgeable about the consequences it can bring to the natural sustainability of the planet. â€Å"Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for—and in many cases is already affecting—a broad range of human and natural systems† (Clooney,2010, pg.484-48). There are many studies done in order to perceive the amount of waste disposed in nature by Starbucks by taking into account various factors. The first phase was considering the determinants of waste generation in South Eastern America by keeping in mind the elements like economic, structural and demographic variables. In this per capital retail sales, urban population percentage and per capital income was taken it account to calculate the waste generation quotient. However, the study concluded that when retails sales increased the per capital waste generation also increased. So an effective solution for Starbucks is to consider recycling cups which reduce pollution of the environment According to (Zaida,2009)â€Å"One of the many challenges in reducing the use of disposable products is that the true social cost of using these disposable products, the externalities, are not incorporated into the price we pay for them†. It is a general fact, that the cups used by Starbucks for hot beverages are made out of paper fiber and low density plastic materials. This plastic element in the cups is the main culprits in