Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Great Gatsby And The Handmaid s Tale Crushing Dreams

Rilye Fries Mrs. Tucker English 12 hour 3 13 March 2015 The Great Gatsby and The Handmaid’s Tale: Crushing Dreams The Great Gatsby is regarded as a classic novel for its sad and hopeful story of Jay Gatsby and his quest to obtain Daisy Buchanan, his first love. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid s Tale is regarded as a more modern day classic, taking place in a dystopian society where women are regarded as sex slaves and the Bible is law. Both F. Scott Fitzgerald and Margaret Atwood, despite having different writing styles, show the corruption and falsehood of the American Dream. The authors show this through characterization, setting, symbolism, and dreams. The characters in both novels play a drastic role in showing the corruption in the American Dream. In Gatsby, Fitzgerald characterizes women as prizes and as being irresponsible, while men are power hungry and will do anything to buy the females, although all of them are bored with their riches. One character, Daisy, is an icon for desire and damnation, and men, in particular Gatsby, love this. They are willing to do anything, willing to pay and pay twice (Wershoven 143). Men want her and she is never fully satisfied (Wershoven 143). She is always looking for new amusement and new fantasies. Men take on the position of caring for a spoiled little girl. In Gatsby, there is both a shooting and a car accident that was indirectly caused by the heroine or affected a female, and in both cases society did its best to cover up

Friday, December 20, 2019

Nike Sweat Shops Essay - 707 Words

Nike Sweat Shops I am writing this letter to express my concerns over Nikes labor practices in Asia. There has been much debate and controversy recently concerning Nikes Asian labor practices. It is very difficult to determine which side of the argument to defend, as both acknowledge the problems yet put a completely different spin on the facts. I will try to show that Nike has created a cloud of smoke in Asia that the public cannot see through. Nike does not own any of the factories that produce its products in Asia, and subsequently they do not directly employ the workers or management. They contract out work to factories that make all of the products and run all of the factories. They have a massive amount of leverage when†¦show more content†¦Many of the factories that are contracted have workers and management from different countries, causing problems in communication. Some factories have Taiwanese managers while factories in Vietnam have Korean managers. To look into these issues Nike commissioned Andrew Young, a former civil rights leader and United Nations ambassador to do an analysis of how well the code was working. Young and his staff visited four factories in Vietnam, Indonesia and China for three to four hours each led by Nike?s people. When Young?s report came out to the public it proved to be very uninformative. Young said, ?Nike is doing a good job, but could do better.? Another aspect that aggravat ed the public was that Young chose not to look into the issue of wages, a large component of the Code. The reason for this ?such an exercise was well beyond the technical capacity of our small firm.? (GoodWorks, Executive Summary) About a month go a secret internal audit performed by Ernst and Young was leaked to the press. In it was information about dangerous levels of carcinogens, as well as overtime abuse suffered by workers. This information directly contradicts Young?s statement of ?clean, well-lit, ventilated factories.? This report makes it appear that Young?s report was strictly for public relations and had no real impactShow MoreRelatedNike Sweat Shops1784 Words   |  8 PagesThe athletic apparel industry in which Nike is involved is a major money maker in the United States, but the fact that none of the factories are located in North America has brought some heat to the company. Nike controls more than 40 percent of the U.S. Market for sports related goods, but doesn’t have a single sneaker factory in this country (Miller 1). Nike continues to make millions of dollars yet exploits workers overseas by paying them very little, while requiring long hours without overtimeRead MoreNikes Use of S weatshops Across the Globe Essay624 Words   |  3 PagesInternationally recognized companies such as Nike make use of sweatshops and aid in the exploitation of labor workers in many parts of the world. A sweatshop is an industrialized provision that is known to have poor working conditions, infringement of labor law, and long hours coupled with low wages. In today’s world, sweatshops are prevalent all across the globe; however they raise the most concern in developing nations. Nike is one of the world’s most renowned sportswear companies, but has beenRead MoreEssay on Globalization Is Good1443 Words   |  6 Pagescheap labor and long hours which allowed Taiwan to offer cheap goods for western markets. 2. What role have ‘Sweat Shops’ and long hours played in Taiwan’s ‘rags to riches’ story? The cheap labor and long hours of the sweat shops laid the groundwork for the prosperous future of the Taiwanese. This was encouraged by the reforming government at the time. All of these sweat shops were producing cheap goods for Western markets. The work was indeed long and hard but it was a crucial step inRead MoreNike: The Sweatshop Debate Essay1195 Words   |  5 Pagesglobal business presented in the Nike sweatshop debate case study. The paper determines the various roles that the Vietnamese government played in this global business operation. This paper summarizes the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in the Nike sweatshop case. Nike: The Sweatshop Debate Case Study This paper describes the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges that confronted the global business presented in the Nike sweatshop debate case studyRead MoreDiscussion Questions for Globalization Is Good Followed by Discussion Questions on Global Village or Pillage1154 Words   |  5 Pagesown piece of land, this encouraged them to make their land better and more sustainable financially speaking. The government gave them this land, which was a catalyst for development. 2. What role have ‘Sweat Shops’ and long hours played in Taiwan’s ‘rags to riches’ story? The sweat shops were an important stage in Taiwan’s ‘rags to riches’ story. This is mainly caused by cheap labor, which sets forth an increased demand in labor. This competition drove up wages because industrialization wasRead MoreThe Ethics Of Under Armour836 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity of Maryland special team’s captain, dedicated his time to seek an innovative material that would wick the moisture and sweat from his body like compression shorts. This technology would support for a more comfortable and effective performance on the field. He found, in his experience, that the traditional cotton shirts under his gear was holding all of the sweat, resulting in Mr. Plank to change into a dry undershirt. Mr. Plank then developed the company with very limited funding. He hadRead MoreNike and Unfair Labor Practices1057 Words   |  5 PagesNike and Unfair Labor Practices I. Introduction Nike has been accused of the unfair labor practice of sweatshop labor. A sweatshop is a place with hazardous working environments, extreme temperatures and abusive employers, hence the term sweat shop. Sweatshop workers work long days exceeding 14 hours and earn less than the living wage (Britanica, n.d.). While these conditions may be shocking to Americans and Modern Western Nations the notion of abusive working conditions is more attractive toRead MoreNike s Brand Product Offerings Essay1460 Words   |  6 Pages I’m deciding to do my research paper on Nike. I chose Nike because Nike is a worldwide company. The Company designs, develops and markets footwear, equipment, apparel and accessory products, including the marketing of apparel with licensed professional and college team logos. It is the largest seller of athletic apparel and footwear in the world. The Company sells products through retail stores, Internet sales, licensees and distributors worldwide. The Company produces all of its footwear and apparelRead MoreEssay on Sweatchop in Indonesia600 Words   |  3 Pagesdeveloping countries, such as Indonesia and Bangladesh. Companies or corporations choose to do their manufacturing process in these countries because of the cheap labor, availability of productive workers and the lack of law on working conditions. Nike; a famous sport brand, has a long history with this ethical issue. The problem emerged in 1991, after â€Å"Jeff Ballinger publishes a report documenting low wages and poor working conditions in Indonesia† (Nisen 2013, p. Online). The workers were paidRead MoreHuman Sweatshops Outline1512 Words   |  7 Pagesthe later years (1900s) because of rising issues. A. SUBPOINT: The definition of a human sweatshop is mixed all around, but all together have similar connections. 1. According to Webster’s Dictionary (2012), a sweatshop is a shop or factory in which employees work for long hours at low wages and under unhealthy conditions. B. SUBPOINT: Starting in 1850, poor families migrated to the cities where large populations could work easily in the first created sweatshirts.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Metropolitan Governance and Strategic Planning †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Metropolitan Governance and Strategic Planning. Answer: Introduction The paper discussed about the governance and management for principal urban regions of Australia. Here, argument includes major reforms of metropolitan governance where the governance is among the scholars, policy makers, professionals of the urban areas and the general republic (Ahrend et al., 2014). The premises include the urban governance failures which manifest threats to the sustainability, and the security with global economic instability and the climatic changes. The shift is stronger with explicit metropolitan governance. Our focus is to evaluate the case of decision making in Australia where the emphasis is terms as government deficit with effective institutional arrangements for planning of urban development and coordinating the services like infrastructure. For the cities to work on different types of production, servicing, marketing and innovation, it becomes important for them to shift form manufacturing to service-based economy. This will increase the rate of flux with capital movement in the states. It also helps in governing cities to be entrepreneurial and concerned with attracting and retaining investments which include the globalised translation companies and their employees. As per the history of Melbourne, it is indicated that there is a need to evaluate the case for re-instating the integrated land use planning which is important for distinctive social, environmental and the economic challenges (Buxton et al., 2016). Considering the issues related to strategy planning, there is a disjuncture between the planning goals and the realities. It includes the codified system for regulating and then approving the use of land for better development. the planning can be either regulatory or facilitative which has been designed for public interest or for transferring the power to the individuals. The frameworks are defined for land use planning system (Flyvbery, 2002). Here, the planning strategy looks for achieving the desirable future outcomes which can create path dependencies to determine the ways of living. The example is the priority given to the infrastructure of road over the investments mainly where public transport infrastructure abides reliance on the cars with expanding investments in roadways. The planning decisions can help in creating path dependencies which could be for determining the living for decades to come and focus on continuing priority for the road infrastructure over investment (UN Sustainable Development Goals Victorian State Government, 2017) Strategic urban planning The strategic planning is a continuous process set through time which includes the shaping of cities, towns and the proper management development, infrastructure and the services. A proper balance is set with environment and natural standards to meet the needs of community with cultural significance (Gupta et al., 2015). The planning is depending upon providing opportunities for better structure with guiding development investments and protecting the values related to urban characteristics. The issues in the planning comes with the sustainable, growth and development, diversified population and better infrastructure and transportation. The major purpose of the planning is to involve the contexts and histories, with government functions, role of planners and their perception. For urban planning, the theories are defined to inform practice which could be accumulated through the practice knowledge which comes from practitioners (Thampson Maginn, 2012). The theories are depending upon conflicting pressures which include place of work, location, profession body and education. Apart from this: The economic planning is the technocratic exercise for economic management. The physical development planning which includes the building of land regulations like the property rights, zoning and the other master plans (Trundle, 2016). The policy analysis and the planning are effective with efficient public administration. This is based on the scientific analysis with de-politics planning. The Planning and Environment Act 1987 is to enable the range of strategic and statutory documents with focus on planning the use, development and land protection. Prevailing justifications The justifications are based on system approaches to plan about system thinking, complexity and connectivity. The planning is based on handling the normative approaches which includes the social principles and the target goals. The collaborative and the consultative approach to planning is based on comprehensive planning (Henderson, 2016). The challenges are based on understanding the strength, application, limitations and the complexities (Lowei, 2018). Hence, the challenge to integrate is important for community engagement and handle the stronger principles with rigorous evidence bases and analysis. The planning is about creating a better and a sustainable world with political agendas and the stakeholder engagement. The metropolitan regions are mainly to handle the infrastructure provision, service delivery and the local or regional governance (Harrison Hoyler, 2014). Here, the local government is relatively working on the leading policy roles across the different cross-functional areas which are considered under the province of state like education or the health and development. The roles and responsibility are to work on detachment which is important to safeguard against the egregious governance failures which includes ad-hoc and reactive decision making which comprise of policy objectives (UN Habitat, 2007). The strategic planning is based on predicting and providing manner with making decisions depending upon path dependency. Here, strategic spatial planning implies different public benefits that only government can deliver along with requiring a proper coordination, integration and intervention from the government. For the federal Government: The roles and responsibilities include contribution to infrastructure funding like roads. The policy statements include National Urban Policy Framework (2011) and the Smart Cities Plan (2016). For the State Government: The responsibilities for the planning system includes the strategic and the statutory part with focus on land, water and planning the energy with environment (Healey, 2009). The local government needs to focus on the decision making with the public health, management of the council property and the environment changes. The assets and the infrastructure management also need to be checked like the roads, public lighting etc (Buxton et al., 2016). The issues are related to frequent changes in weather events like the cyclones, floods etc. The increased temperature and the sea level could be the major issues. Address key urban issues and challenges There are major implications on the biodiversity, use of water, energy, food, pollution and the change in climate. The water impacts could be the access to the water demands is subjected to increase by 55% from demands which are related to urbanisation (Searle Bunker, 2010). There is a need of land and water area for maintaining the sustainability to provide energy, water, food and other materials. The planning is important for the government with auditing and regulating the actions related to governance. The changes are recognized with enabling the rapid spread of things with neo-liberalism that it entails. The changes to western government is associated to government who should intervene a little in the operations of free market. There are other implications of neo-liberalism with public sector expenditure, taxation or the indebtedness (Stilwell Troy, 2000). The competitiveness tenders for different government tasks, with removal of constraints on market, which is done through the deregulation process of labour market and financial systems. References Ahrend, R., Gamper, C. and Schumann, A., 2014. The OECD Metropolitan Governance Survey: A quantitative description of governance structures in large urban agglomerations.OECD Regional Development Working Papers,2014(4), p.0_1. Daley, J., Coates, B. and Wiltshire, T., 2017. Submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Environment and Planning Inquiry into Land Release and Housing Supply in NSW. Flyvbjerg, B., 2002. Bringing power to planning research: one researchers praxis story.Journal of planning education and research,21(4), pp.353-366 Goodman, R., Buxton, M. and Moloney, S., 2016.Planning Melbourne: lessons for a sustainable city. CSIRO PUBLISHING. Gupta, J., Verrest, H. and Jaffe, R., 2015. Theorizing governance. InGeographies of Urban Governance(pp. 27-43). Springer, Cham. Harrison, J. Hoyler, M. 2014. Governing the new metropolis,Urban Studies, 51(11), pp. 2249-2266 Henderson H., 2016. Habitat III: the biggest conference youve probably never heardof Lowei M., 2018. This is why health has to be at the heart of the New UrbanAgenda Searle, G. and Bunker, R., 2010. Metropolitan strategic planning: An Australian paradigm?.Planning Theory,9(3), pp.163-180. Shen, L.Y., Ochoa, J.J., Shah, M.N. and Zhang, X., 2011. The application of urban sustainability indicatorsA comparison between various practices.Habitat International,35(1), pp.17-29. Stilwell, F. and Troy, P., 2000. Multilevel governance and urban development in Australia.Urban Studies,37(5-6), pp.909-930. Thompson, S. and Maginn, P., 2012.Planning Australia: An overview of urban and regional planning. Cambridge University Press. Trundle, A., 2016. Habitat III is over, but will its New Urban Agenda transform the worldscities?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

History of Environment Assessment-Free-Samples -Myassignmenthelp

Question: Evaluate the Environmental Impact Assessment System in NSW. Answer: Introduction Changes in the speed, scope and magnitude of the natural environment are determined through the level of technology available with the community. The level of interaction in between the different elements present around is relatively low. The changes incorporated by the natural environment do have a massive impact on human civilization. More significant changes are incorporated due to civilization and interaction with the environmental components (Glasson, Therivel and Chadwick, 2013). The environmental needs are absorbed by involvement in a good way. A positive reception of cultural and philosophical history provides an indulgence of EIA. At present there is no single reason for the development of modern society's rising concern for the environment. Still, the significant point is that these concerns exist, and have been compiled for managing assessment procedures (Wathern, 2013). Some legislations relating to environment has been enacted. They are focus on managing general environm ental awareness. This is important for managing the environmental aspects to gain high priority on an individual part. The consequence is that they are not compared on an equal footing with economic issues. Environment Impact Assessment is an attempt to restore the disparity. The theoretical practice of impact assessment is addressed in detail to address the ongoing environmental issues. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the process is effective to manage the plan in a better way. Eventually, the willingness to think about the consequences of actions is undertaken for gaining impact. In other words, Environmental impact assessment ensures the environmental effectiveness. The Individuals are allowed to accept the responsibility in order to accept the effects of a proposal. They do not depend on the Regulations and bureaucracies. The report is based on EIA Improvement Project in NSW (Petts, 2009). History of Environment Impact Assessment The history of Environment Impact Assessment is linked with the US National environmental Policy Act in 1970 creating a mandatory requirement. The EIA was introduced at the state level prior before the implementation at the Common level. Every state has a divergent opinion about it. The pioneer state introducing EIA was New South Wales by issuing guidelines in State Pollution Control Commission in 1974. Australia is following the EIA at a national level through Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act in 1974. At present, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) is prevailed in the country superseding the previous act. The commonwealth act does not put a direct impact on the law and regulations made by the state. Moreover EPBC runs as a parallel to the State/Territory Systems. Any kind of overlap in between the state and commonwealth is addressed through the bilateral agreement or any of the accreditation of the state policies and procedure (Bi swas and Agarwal, 2013). The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 The EPBC Act provides with a legal framework to promote and protect nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places-defined. The act applied to the 9 matters of national interest as follows: Protection of World Heritage sites Protection of the National Heritage places RAMSAR wetlands of global importance Listing threatened species and ecological communities Protection of Migratory species under the international agreements To protect The Commonwealth marine environment Nuclear actions National Heritage To protect the Water resources, in order to develop the coal and mining development (Morgan, 2012). Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project (NSW) In addition to the act, it requires to streamline the national interest assessment and approval process and activities. In New South Wales, the Environment Planning Assessment Act 1979 set up three pathways for EIA. The first Part 5.1 of the EPAA provides 'State Significant Infrastructure' projects From June 2011, replacing the previous part 3A form. The second Part 4 of the Act deals with the development and control. Those projects that do not require approval under Part 3A or Part 4 are captured by the third pathway (Middle and Middle, 2010). Lastly, Part 5 deals with the environment impact assessment. The communities are largely concern about novel development taking place in the surrounding. EIA in New South Wales help in managing the environmental value. This at the same time helps in managing the different issues related to the environment. It is providing with a wider community option while managing the Department in order to address in reaching decision on the planning applic ation (Environmental Impact Assessments, 2017). The Department helps in managing the aspect in relation to the State significant project prior to development of the proposal before the Minister for Planning or the Ministers delegate. This is significant from the point of view of putting forward the different aspect in relation to the planning and development. This will help in managing the information through Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) while considering feedback from government agencies and the community (Jordan and Lenschow, 2009). Process Of Project Implementation EIA is an important format that helps in managing a noteworthy part from the point of view of State significant development (SSD) and State significant infrastructure (SSI) proposals. This help in managing the environmental, social and economic impacts while considering the factors. It includes project development and setting terms of reference for the EIS through Secretarys Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs). The public exhibition of the EIS reception of obedience reacts to submissions evaluation of the project by the Department determination of the project by the Minister. This is important for managing compliance in order to build and operate effective function (Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project. 2017). This helps in managing the resources in the best possible way. NSW advances toward the EIA and the other jurisdictions in Australia and abroad. These issues are raised by the community and other stakeholders in order to seek the improvements. For gaining competency, it is helpful in creating a consistent framework in order to ensure growth and development. It is important for managing the resources while engaging with the community and other stakeholders in order to manage the quality. This is helpful in provide a standard framework for setting conditions for the construction and operation of projects. It is providing a better quality in on the approved project to improve post-approval compliance. This is important from increase accountability for the practice of EIA professionals. These will give further direction on moving toward to growing impact assessment and professional practice (Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project - Community feedback. 2017). Thus it is necess ary for managing the overall environment assessment in order to manage the facts. The NSW Government is proposing changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 in order to take initiative. The Other initiatives are linked in improving EIA that include Legislative updates concerning modifying Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Lehmann and Joseph, 2015). Environmental Impact Assessments has created its own industry while consulting firms, Legal firms have to create income and employment at their own expenses. The NSW Governments Discussion Paper in order to manage the environmental aspect. This is an important aspect in dealing with EIA professionals10 in order to recognize various environmental approvals in order to sustain in the industry. The University of NSW has incorporated a course devoted to Environmental Impact Assessment (Reed, 2008). This is important from then point of view of developing an insight. People involved in the development of groups are directly involved in EIAs in order to carry out a rigorous assessment processes in order to carry out the scientific studies in a well-informed way. This has direct potential environmental impacts on the community in order to gain a long-term insight. These are self-serving arguments from the point of view of receiving the benefits of the process without incurring costs. Majorit y of the resources used in the development of EIAs are employed productively in the economy. On the other side EIAs are used by green groups to stop development (Mitchell, 2013). Environmental Impact Assessments ultimately causes a pressure on political party in order to seek project approval. Majority of project are disrupted causing an extreme pressure on the Government bodies in carrying out the objective. The intention is to manage government assessment processes to stop the big project development as provided by the green groups in restricting the Coal Export Boom strategy document.12. The document thereby targeting of seven major projects in New South Wales. One of the critical aspects is to manage the priority from the critical projects to slow down in the endorsement procedure. Moreover, the strategy is to fundamentally disturb and delay key projects and infrastructure. This is important from managing the restricted resources in order to gain distinct results appropriately. It is not in agreement with high-quality public strategy for ideologically motivating groups in order to insert approvals process, chiefly with the appropriate challenge in Ministerial endorsement of projects in court. This is important from the point of view of managing costs of legal challenges, and green groups that is made under federal environmental law (Darnall, Henriques and Sadorsky, 2008). The cost related to the EIS is borne by the proponents under the consultation of independent proponents. This works efficiently under the guidance of the governing body. It helps in managing the concern n an effective way by culminating the ill-impacts associated with a project. The concept of EIA considers both the direct and carminative impact in order to deal with long awaiting effects. The decision making structure and rhea institutional value has to undergo a cooperative and regional decision making in order to encourage use of bio-regional approach. The goal of EIS is to clearly state whether the decision related to a project is proponent to the concept. On a long run, the site specific effects and scope has an impact on managing the issues related to the development of the resources. Public participation has a major influence on the result on a long run. A public inquiry is necessary for managing the issues in the best possible way. Any procedural challenges faced under the EI S are affected by the constraints while creating an opportunity in order to manage the concern in an appropriate way. The degraded environment has a direct constraint in order to manage the opportunity to manage the new implication. The proponents are disallowed to evade responsibility for environmental care by transferring EIS to an Environmental Management Plan (Gregory et al 2012). This is to manage the relative outcomes while monitoring adequate baseline studies with post-decision observation and auditing. This includes penalties for non-compliance of the act done under the EIA. A positive reception of cultural and philosophical history provides an indulgence of EIA. At present there is no single reason for the development of modern society's rising concern for the environment. This is however evident from the point of view of developing an effective result in order to reduce the damage (Durant and Fiorino, 2017). Conclusion The purpose behind implementing EIA is to manage the resources in the best possible way and analysing the side-effects while carrying out the activities. This is important for generating better opportunities in order to deliver positive result for the people. In a long run, this is taken as a beneficial activity in order to arrange the functions by understanding the facts. This is necessary for managing the impacts the certain activities has on environment. This is important for gaining better opportunities by implementing a plan necessary to organize results. This is important for managing the results in the best effective way to manage the outcome. The rules and regulations related to the compliance functions are directed by the development of resources in best possible way. It is significant from managing the functions in an appropriate way. The Environment Assessment is significant from the point of view of generating awareness and growth in the sector. It is important for managi ng long-term sustainable goals with the effectiveness. It is necessary in defining the applicability of various law and regulations in order to manage the consequences. Nevertheless, it is necessarily to be taken as an effective process to manage the plan in a better way. References Biswas, A.K. and Agarwal, S.B.C. eds., 2013.Environmental impact assessment for developing countries. Elsevier. Darnall, N., Henriques, I. and Sadorsky, P., 2008. Do environmental management systems improve business performance in an international setting?.Journal of International Management,14(4), pp.364-376. Durant, R.F. and Fiorino, D.J., 2017.Environmental governance reconsidered: challenges, choices, and opportunities. MIT Press. Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project - Community feedback. 2017. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 5 November 2017 Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project. 2017. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 5 November 2017 Environmental Impact Assessments, 2017. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 5 November 2017 Glasson, J., Therivel, R. and Chadwick, A., 2013.Introduction to environmental impact assessment. Routledge. Gregory, R., Failing, L., Harstone, M., Long, G., McDaniels, T. and Ohlson, D., 2012.Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices. John Wiley Sons. Jordan, A. and Lenschow, A. eds., 2009.Innovation in environmental policy?: integrating the environment for sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing. Lehmann, J. and Joseph, S. eds., 2015.Biochar for environmental management: science, technology and implementation. Routledge. Middle, G. and Middle, I., 2010. A review of the use of environmental offset as a policy mechanism in the environmental impact assessment process (EIA) in Western Australia.Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal,28(4), pp.313-322. Mitchell, B., 2013.Resource environmental management. Routledge. Morgan, R.K., 2012. Environmental impact assessment: the state of the art.Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal,30(1), pp.5-14. Petts, J. ed., 2009.Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment: Volume 2: Impact and Limitations(Vol. 2). John Wiley Sons. Reed, M.S., 2008. Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review.Biological conservation,141(10), pp.2417-2431. Wathern, P. ed., 2013.Environmental impact assessment: theory and practice. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Americans and The World Map an Example of the Topic Science and Technology Essays by

Americans and The World Map A developed country takes anchor on the fact that its citizenry is well informed and highly educated people. Education breeds well informed individuals. Democracy and development stands at par with information since democracy stands under the premise that its citizens are intelligent enough to make their own decisions and are capable of leading the country towards development (Study in the USA, 2008).. As shown by the increasing influx of immigrants here in the United States taking a shot at the American dream, it is evident that they find our country a land of opportunity (CBS News, 2008). Plus the fact that more and more students choose to study here, we assume that we take pride in the quality of education that we have. Need essay sample on "Americans and The World Map" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Now here is where my thoughts go in full circle, if a country under a democratic government follows the decision of the majority of the masses then we should have a population that is highly educated and well informed for democracy and development to work. Now given the survey that says that among 510 young Americans, 88% can't find Afghanistan on the map, this says something about the ideal "well educated people" that we wish to have. What's worse is that half of the surveyed youth can't even find New York or the key cities in the country. Undergraduates Frequently Tell Us: Who wants to write paper for me? Essay writers recommend: Get Your Essay Before The Deadline Custom Writing Service Best Website To Buy College Papers Essay Writing for Me The question why these young individuals can't read a map was answered by a contestant in the Miss Teen USA in 2006. She says that some people in this country don't have maps. That is true in a sense that there is still uneducated people ion this country. Maybe she said that in a symbolic way. Perhaps the answer of the contestant in Miss Teen USA serves as a wake up call to all Americans that Education here in our country is deteriorating. Though factors such as being caught up in the moment gripped in fear and stage fright, we cannot take away the fact that it was indeed a dumb answer. Now, given that it wasn't her best answer, the thought that she represents the youth and how they think is indeed very disturbing. Young Americans being the future leaders and citizens who will run this country should know its country first. There where a lot of criticisms to Miss Teen USA's answer in Youtube, the papers and even random individuals who are angry with her answer. But I think we should not be blaming her for such answer because she is a product of our education system and she should serve as a mockery to all of us. She is the portion of the youth that the survey pertains to. We should not ridicule the youth but instead make ways for them to reflect and improve themselves. Globalization is one of the reasons why our youngsters ought to know the map. The boundaries of countries are growing thinner and economies are highly dependent with one another, thus there is a need for us to explore other countries to make our economy grow. If our youth can't even find places outside America then how will globalization work? I don't mean to sound like a fanatic of globalization but it is the reality that we must face (CBS News, 2008). The world is embracing it and America, being one of its promoters should help its youth build a good future upon the foundation that we have laid out for them. Not being able to locate a place in the map reflects the poor education in this country. Perhaps it is now time to think if the money that we spend on wars with other countries is worth it when our young can't even find the country where we spend billions with. Education is important for democracy and development, and even if the survey only accounts for a small portion of the youth we can't hide the fact that this small portion can reflect a wider scale of ignorance. In a nutshell, the survey tells us that there is a need to improve our education and our people. Reference Study in the USA, (2008). Understanding American Education. Date Retrieved January 27, 2008. CBS News. (2008). Poor Marks For U.S. Education System. Date Retrieved January 22, 2008.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Handwriting v Typing Essay Example

Handwriting v Typing Essay Example Handwriting v Typing Essay Handwriting v Typing Essay Handwriting v Typing BY titus2211 The process of reading and writing involves a number of senses, she explains. When writing by hand, our brain receives feedback from our motor actions, together with the sensation of touching a pencil and paper. These kinds of feedback is significantly different from those we receive when touching and typing on a keyboard. Learning by doing Together with neurophysiologist Jean-Luc Velay at the University of Marseille, Anne Mangen has written an article published in the Advances in Haptics periodical. They have examined research which goes a long way in confirming the significance of hese differences. An experiment carried out by Velays research team in Marseille establishes that different parts of the brain are activated when we read letters we have learned by handwriting, from those activated when we recognise letters we have learned through typing on a keyboard. When writing by hand, the movements involved leave a motor memory in the sensorimotor part of the brain, which helps us recognise letters. This implies a connection between reading and writing, and suggests that the sensorimotor system plays a role in the process of visual recognition during reading, Mangen explains. Other experiments suggest that the brains Brocas area is discernibly more activated when we are read a verb which is linked to a physical activity, compared with being read an abstract verb or a verb not associated with any action. This also happens when you observe someone doing something. You dont have to do anything yourself. Hearing about or watching some activity is often enough. It may even suffice to observe a familiar tool associated with a particular physical activity, Mangen says. Since writing by hand takes longer than typing on a keyboard, the temporal aspect may also influence the learning process, she adds. : The term haptic refers to the process of touching and the way in which we communicate by touch, particularly by using our fingers and hands to explore our surroundings. Haptics include both our perceptions when we relate passively to our surroundings, and when we move and act. A lack of focus There is a lot of research on haptics in relation to computer games, in which for instance vibrating hand controls are employed. According to Mangen, virtual drills with sound and vibration are used for training dentists. But there has been very little effort to include haptics within the humanistic disciplines, she explains. In educational science, there is scant interest in the ergonomics of reading and writing, and its potential significance in the learning process. Mangen refers to an experiment involving two groups of adults, in which the participants were assigned the task of having to learn to write in an unknown alphabet, consisting of approximately twenty letters. One group was taught to write by hand, while the other was using a keyboard. Three and six weeks into the experiment, the participants recollection of these letters, as well as their rapidity in distinguishing right and reversed letters, were tested. Those who had learned the letters by handwriting came out best in all tests. Furthermore, fMRI brain scans indicated an activation of the Brocas area within this group. Among those who had learned by typing on keyboards, there was little or no activation of this area. The sensorimotor component with learning difficulties. But there is little awareness and understanding of the importance of handwriting to the learning process, beyond that of writing itself, Mangen says. She refers to pedagogical research on writing, which has moved from a cognitive approach to a focus on contextual, social and cultural relations. In her opinion, a one-sided focus on context may lead to neglect of the individual, physiological, sensorimotor and phenomenological connections. Interdisciplinary collaboration Within the field of psychology, there is an awareness of the danger of paying too much attention on mentality. According to Mangen, perception and sensorimotor now play a more prominent role. Our bodies are designed to interact with the world which surrounds us. We are living creatures, geared toward using physical objects be it a book, a keyboard or a pen to perform certain tasks, she says. Being a media nd reading researcher, Anne Mangen is a rare bird within her field of study. And she is very enthusiastic about her collaboration with a neurophysiologist. We combine very different disciplines. Velay has carried out some very exciting experiments on the difference between handwriting and the use of keyboards, from a neurophysiologic perspective. My contribution centres on how we as humans with bodies and brains experience the writing process, through using different technologies in different ways. And how these technologies interfaces influence our experience, she concludes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Annotated bibliography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Annotated bibliography - Research Paper Example The dimension which has been focused in this article is merely the framework on which this software works. The author of the article has used a literature review approach to help understanding the middleware approach to data integration. Also, readers will find this source credible because the author is from the field of network architecture. 3. Bramley, R., Chiu, K., Devadithya, T., Gupta, N., Hart, C., & Huffman, J. (2006). Instrument Monitoring, Data Sharing, and Archiving Using Common Instrument Middleware Architecture (CIMA). J. Chem. Inf. Model, 46(3), 1017–1025. The group of authors have conducted a vey systematic study which involves discussion based upon instrument monitoring which is undertaken with the help of middleware architecture. Also, the authors have noted that with the help of middleware architecture, software developers can easily conduct data sharing by software applications. Middlewae architecture is the simplest yet systematic model that can help software developers design software applicationsfor functions such as instrumet monitory, data sharing etc. The article is effective in terms of evaluating the usage of middleware in reinventing the software applications. The authors have claimed that with the aid of data integration architecture such as middleware, it is easier to transpose the updated versions of applications. The authors have allowed the readers to use the article as a reference to find out solutions for application in context. This article can be used as the most relevant source for the title selected for the research paper. The article is about the usage of middleware for the purpose of data processing. Information sharing and data integration for caches has been noted as one of the most complex aspect in software development. Thus, the authors of the articles help the readers to understand the claim that middleware can simultaneously be used for service co-ordination and data processing. Many system

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How well has poverty reduction policy in Turkey succeeded Essay

How well has poverty reduction policy in Turkey succeeded - Essay Example Attacking poverty had been one of the main aims in the world in recent times and Turkey had been no exception. It is important to know more about the programme and assess how well Public economic management in Turkey is progressing. No doubt, poverty reduction cannot be done in a few years, or as a result of a few policies. This has to be based on a very sound continuous economic programmes and right directions. All over the world, there are many impediments in the way of poverty eradication. In the world of globalization, economic change also depends on many other world problems and economic fluctuations. Hence, expecting an overnight result cannot be exactly practical. In the Press Release No. 39, September 19-20, 2006, Ali Babacan, Governor of the IMF for Turkey, said in the 2006 Annual Meetings of Board of Governors held at Singapore held: â€Å"Inflation is likely to exceed the 2006 target mainly because of adverse energy and commodity price developments. However, it is expected that, in the medium term, it will converge to our target. Current account deficit has widened on account of rising cost of energy imports and accelerating investments whereas the composition of the financing significantly improved by the increasing long term capital inflows† Turkish economy has undergone a series of changes with the tightening of the fiscal policy and central banking. This does not mean that Turkish economy does not have any worth-mentioning growth. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing economies, in spite of many connected cultural, social and economic problems.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Roles Women played in the American Revolution Essay

Roles Women played in the American Revolution - Essay Example Women took up various roles and responsibilities during the revolution to support the cause. The most important is that on the battle field. Many women as soldiers fought the war alongside and as fiercely as men. Women fought the war believing that the only reason that must be considered in serving the country was pure patriotism and not anything else. Nancy Hart, Mary Hays, Margaret Corbin, Deborah Sampson are a few examples. Margaret Corbin fought bravely alongside her husband John Corbin. She was a camp follower and had learnt how to load and fire canons. She was on the frontline along with her husband. When her husband got injured she assumed his duties and got injured too. After the war she served at Corps of Invalids at West Point (Nash & Graves, 2000).. Deborah Sampson is another incredible example of a woman fighting the odds to serve the country. She assumed the identity of a man, namely Timothy Thayer, to enlist herself in the army. Soon her identity was discovered. She again later enlisted as Robert Shirtliffe. As Robert Shirtliffe she fought courageously in various battles. Her identity was again discovered when she got injured and was treated by a physician. Soon after, she was discharged honourably from the army (Shmoop, 2010). Mary Hays was a camp follower serving as a water carrier. She, like Margaret Corbin, assumed the duties of her husband when he got injured. Nancy Hart was known for her sharp shooting skills. She shot at British soldiers with deadly accuracy in the Georgia frontier. She was known by the name â€Å"War Woman† (Nash & Graves, 2000). Apart from actively taking part in the battle as soldiers, women also contributed as camp followers. Many women, mostly wives of soldiers, were allowed to travel with the army. They took part in many activities and served as companions to male soldiers, cooks, nurses, etc. They washed the clothes of the soldiers and cooked food for them. They also took care of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Capital Structure And Cost Of Capital For Morrisons Finance Essay

Capital Structure And Cost Of Capital For Morrisons Finance Essay It is very essential in todays modern age to upgrade and promote business in such a way that functioning can take place smoothly. This assignment is about the capital structure and cost of capital for Morrisons PLC. Also in this project an analysis on if I was a project manager and had to design a new project for the company what all stages and things I would have to do; are mentioned. This study is based on facts taken from the company website and annual report of 2009/10. Other information is gathered from educational case studies, website and core textbooks on this topic. Introduction According to  [1]  Corporate  finance  is a broad term that is used to collectively identify the various financial dealings undertaken by a  corporation. In other words we can say that corporate finance is a division within a particular company that deals with financial operations of the company i.e. raising finances for various projects, analysis of various mergers and acquisitions etc. In the present world scenario, one of the most profitable sectors is retailing. Large scale retailers have become very powerful, in some ways even more powerful as companies than manufacturers. The British layman is highly dependent on these retailers like ASDA, Morrisons, Morrisons, Tesco etc so as to buy everyday use products and services. Even these retailers have broadened their scope of activity and have diversified into more than just everyday goods. One such retailer is WM Morrison Supermarkets PLC also referred to as Morrisons. Morrisons was a company started at Bradford market by William Morrison in the year 1899. Today it is termed as the fourth largest chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. With almost 124,000 employees working in 403 stores across the nation, Morrisons has an operating income of  £671 million in 2010. The different types of products that Morrisons has to offer are as below:- Groceries Consumer products Fuel and Oil Pharmaceuticals Alcohol and beverages These are the major areas of business for Morrisons but apart from these also certain services are offered at different locations which are store specific. Morrisons has not yet set up base outside the United Kingdom but according to the company website and also the annual reports, the business can be divided into 6 main regions, namely Scotland with 51 stores North UK with 72 stores Midlands with 75 stores South East including Gibraltar at 63 stores South Central with 62 stores South West with 51 stores To discuss on the size of its business relative to its industry we can look at the report prepared by Edward Garner, 2008  [3]  as shown below (certain areas deleted as appropriate):- TOTAL TILL ROLL Great Britain Consumer Spend Includes all expenditure through main store tills and excludes petrol instore concession 12 Weeks to 12 August 2007   12 Weeks to 10 August 2008 change  £000s %  Ã‚   **   Ã‚ £000s %  Ã‚   ** % Total Till Roll   Ã‚  Ã‚   26,615,239   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   27,621,890 3.8   Total Grocers   Ã‚  Ã‚   18,733,701 100.0%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   20,076,033 100.0% 7.2   Ã‚   Total Multiples   Ã‚  Ã‚   17,402,359 92.9%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   18,719,527 93.2% 7.6   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tesco   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   5,962,922 31.8%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6,351,531 31.6% 6.5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Asda   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,142,151 16.8%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,410,431 17.0% 8.5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morrisonss   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,016,586 16.1%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,175,543 15.8% 5.3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sainsbury   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2,042,026 10.9%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2,233,137 11.1% 9.4   Ã‚   Total Coops   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   815,208 4.4%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   846,405 4.2% 3.8   Ã‚   Total Independents   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   516,134 2.8%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   510,101 2.5% -1.2      Ã‚  Ã‚  Total Symbols   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   183,349 1.0%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   181,137 0.9% -1.2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Other Independents   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   332,785 1.8%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   328,964 1.6% -1.1   ** = Percentage Share of Total Grocers According to this report we can clearly say that in comparison with other supermarkets, Morrisons is ranked as #4 in this sector. The performance over the last few years can be summed in by the use of a table as shown below: (all figures are in million  £) Year Turnover Profit or loss before tax Profit or loss after tax 2009 14,528 655.0 460.0 2008 12,969 612.0 554.0 2007 12,462 369.0 247.6 2006 12,115 (312.9) (250.3) According to the figures shown in the table above we can say that although 2006 was a tough and bad year for the company, its recovery process was efficient and planned. Through 2007 the company improved methods so as to maximize profits. The entire tenure has shown an increase in turnover for the company but although the turnover in 2009 was at its peak the company failed to achieve a higher profit which might be due to a variety of reasons that will be discussed in the project ahead. Morissons though been facing problems in 2006 2007 they have been winning awards and earning high percentage of profits with the production units of morissons as with special brewing, wines and bakery unit. they also have been The Oracle Retailer of the year 2009,The Oracle Retailer Week Awards, March 2009 Morissons have been pioneering in the retail sector comprising The Own Grocer Label awards, with gold and silver allocades among the retailers wining The Cloudy Apple Juice The Best Toffee Popcorn offering wide range of fresh farm products to freshly prepared breads and confectioneries within the nested units of morissons along with wide range of wine cellars and brewed beers and cafà © outlets within Financial structure The financial structure of a company is known by the balance sheet of the company. In what areas changes are required and in what ways are all known through the balance sheet of the company. For a person to analyze the balance sheet appropriately one must understand the basic concepts of the balance sheet as a financial analyst. After going through the financial report (balance sheet as well as the annual report) for Morrisons, I have come to a point where a conclusion can be made on the financial structure with relevance to turnover and operating profits, capital expenditure, earning per share, tax payable, return to shareholders and dividend cover. All these factors will help to calculate the standing of Morrisons. A brief study is also done on the basis of the return on assets to compare Morrisons with other retailers. Turnover and operating profit 2008/09 2009/10 Changes Turnover  £14528m  £15410m 6.07% Operating profit  £671m  £907m 35.17% Capital expenditure the capital expenditure has increased by  £228m and now is  £906m. This is due to the recent buying of the new co-operative and Somerfield stores at a cost of  £223m and a refurbishment cost of  £102m. Apart from this we can see a fall in the previous made capital expenditure. This is a healthy growth projector. Earnings per share the earnings per share has increased from 17.4pence per share to 22.8 pence per share. This is mainly due to the increase in underlying profits. There have been no other significant factors that would affect the earning per share. Tax payable the tax paid during the year is  £209m. In comparison to the tax paid in the previous year i.e.  £104m there has been a vast increase, this is mainly due to the effective tax rate that was increased and made 30%.This represents 50% of the tax for the year ended 1 February 2009, as well as 50% of the expected tax for the year ended 31 January 2010, and repayments of previous years. Return to shareholders the final dividend paid during the year is 7.1pence which shows an increase of 2.1pence per share in comparison to last year. This makes the entire dividend paid during the year 8.2 pence and the dividend cover 2.5 times. The calculation is as shown below Comparative study According to a study by Biz/Ed  [4]  the following information can be gathered on the return to assets and profit margins. As we can clearly observe in the table underneath, Morrison has the highest return on assets in comparison to any other retailer of food and the profit margin is also comparative higher than any other retailer. Company Return on Assets Profit margin Marks and spencers 4.43% 3.91% Morrisons 5.60% 3.61% Morrison 12.93% 5.87% Tesco 9.99% 5.72% Working Average Cost of Capital An average representing the expected return on all of a companys securities. Each source of capital, such as stocks, bonds, and other debt, is assigned a required rate of return, and then these required rates of return are weighted in proportion to the share each source of capital contributes to the companys capital structure. The resulting rate is what the firm would use as a minimum for evaluating a capital project or investment. According to  [5]  . The calculation for this is as shown below. All data is sourced from the annual report of 2009/10:- Current share price =  £277.50 (P1) Previous years share price =  £237.75 (P0) Dividend for previous year = 5.80 (D-1) Dividend for this year = 8.20 (D0) Increase in dividends = 41.37% The formula for calculating the cost of equity is as follows: Re = D1/P0 +G Therefore cost of Equity (Ke) = 10.6/326.25 + 41.37% = 41.40% Cost of debt (Kd) = Interest Paid/Average debt = 260/924 = 28.13% Therefore, WACC = Ke*(proportion of equity) + Kd*(proportion of debt) = 41.40*0.28 + 28.13*0.71 = 11.59+19.97% = 31.56% This shows that the average return that the company must pay to its investors is 31.56 % Project analysis If I were appointed as a project manager for the company, several roles would need to be fulfilled by me. For any new project to be successful the project manager is the key. The focus and aim success depends highly on the manager. The main functions for me in such a case according to Duncan Haughey  [6]  are as follows:- Planning and Defining Scope Activity Planning and Sequencing Resource Planning Developing Schedules Time Estimating Cost Estimating Developing a Budget Managing Risks and Issues Creating Charts and Schedules Risk Analysis Morrisons is a large retail firm which operates and sells almost all consumer goods. The latest expansion plan was too diverse into household furniture. The project being evaluated is the introduction of Morrisons into the furniture segment. The aims of such a project would be to beat Morrisons that has already started into this sector. The final objective of beating the other retailers would almost be fulfilled in such a way. Key determinants Initial Investment In order to conclude the early speculation for mounting into the manufacturing segment a careful research will be required on part of Morrisons. This would occupy looking at a business plan of a medium to large scale furniture producer. It will also involve hiring of an actuary to decide several costs. The recognition of accurate expenses necessary will involve hiring of engineers as well. An in depth study into the accessible furniture industry would be the best source of identifying the primary investment. Annual Revenue The quantity of cost to be incurred can be recognized with logical accuracy, however, annual revenues cannot. This is because of the fact that revenues are based upon demand for the product. Since Morrisons has been always selling furniture its growth in the furniture production will have reasonable sales if the quality is maintained. It can also be seen from the intensity of sales of Morrisonss own range of product labeled Morrisonss Basics. Annual Operating Costs The present level of operations of Morrisons is based upon buying and reselling. This indicates that there is a low level of in service cost. In order to make out the correct level of operating cost an imminent into the financial statements of a furniture company will be mandatory. Additional transport costs will require to be assessed as Morrisons operates in a number of locations of UK. In order to reap the profit of economies of scale Morrisons will have to generate a central production facility. This will add to the set cost and help to reduce the operating costs. Rates of Inflation Rates of price rises straight affect retailers like Morrisons. Specific inflation of raw materials like wood will unfavorably affect the company directly. General inflation will also have an outcome as the price paid by consumers will reap lower value in the future. This has to be accounted for in the project assessment. The sources of inflation will be in print data provided by the government. These will include national financial plan and forecasts. Rates of Taxation/ payment and Relief Rates of taxation are significant elements of capital budgeting as they affect the cash flow. The tax rates are always particular by the government. So there are no problems identifying them. Other than taxes several allowances can be obtained when investing in a fresh project. There are special release programs that promote investors to invest rather than take dividends. Furthermore the fixed equipment bought is also eligible for capital allowance which is a taxation relief. Risk When any project needs to be taken up, an analysis on the risk involved needs to be done. Risk can be known as the possibility of making a loss. If we wish to analyse this in terms of money then, we can use the formulae:- To manage the risk effectively I would carry out the following steps:- Identify threats the risk can be of various types i.e. overshooting costs, interest fluctuations, jobs taking too long etc. Estimate risk using the formulae given above, we can calculate the amount of risk for the proposed project. Managing risk you can manage risk by either utilizing the present assets or by creating new assets. Review testing systems and plans must be used effectively to check on the progress to manage risk. Due to lack of data, the figures that are shown below are fictitious. The assumption that the project will function in the way of the product life cycle. Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales Revenue 1500 2000 2350 2550 Variable cost 620 680 720 860 Contribution 880 1320 1630 1790 Fixed Costs 500 500 500 500 Net Cash Flow 380 820 1130 1290 Taxation 30% 114 246 339 387 After Tax Cash Flow 266 574 791 903 8% Discount Factor 0.926 0.857 0.794 0.735 Present Value 246.31 491.91 628.05 663.70 Assumptions Initial investment is  £3000 Fixed cost is  £500 Variable cost is at 40% of sales Discount factor is 8% Tax rate is fixed at 30%  £ Sum of Present Values 2029.97 Written down Allowance 400.03 PV after 4 years 4000 Less: Initial Investment 3200 Net Present Value 3230 Quarterly report format Following is the table assumed for the year with four quarters considering the assumed forecast for the year 2011 Year Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Sales Revenue Variable cost Contribution Fixed Costs Profit The per quarter report starting for the first month of year for a quarter will be as follows Quarter 1 January February March Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Sales Revenue Variable cost Contribution Fixed Costs Profit The above comparative statement is for all 4 quarters of the financial year. Each quarter is divided into Budgeted and Actual. The report I would be sending to the directors if I were a manager the report would be in this format because it can be easily understood by the directors. If there is a difference between the budget and the actual amount in the statement then, this can be for a variety of reasons such as interpretation of budgets. If the difference is high then I would have to try and re-modify the budget for the next quarter and try and improve actual figures by all ways possible. References The role of a project manager; Duncan Haughey; 2009 a snapshot of the UK grocery market(2008); Edward Garner; TNS World-Panel

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Environmental Issue Essay -- Air Polution, Forest Destruction

Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as â€Å"Mother Earth† [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human’s fault. Nature gradually becomes worse and animal’s life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the nature. People’s efforts that have helped to recover the nature become useless. Several ways of teaching about the importance of nature has been done to the people. Unfortunately, environmental problems still occur. There are some countries that experienced greater environmental problem than other countries. One of them is Indonesia. Indonesia is a country that has a large population. Development of science and technology make many Indonesian people use chemicals material or motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and so on in life. Indonesian people mostly do not know knowledge of environment. These people do not know how to banish remainder like the rest of garbage, detergents, and the result of human waste correctly and where the remainder should be thrown away. Some people have banished garbage in river, sea, and another wrong place. As a result of wrong way in banishing and the use of motor vehicles within large quantity causes many environmental problems. There are several environmental problems in Indonesia with... ... Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also has created laws about forest [19]. The law contains a variety of explanations about the rules and how many fines to be given to persons who make the forest become damaged. With the law, persons who have destroyed forests is expected to be realized if the act of destroying forests are not only harming themselves but also other humans. Beside government, people should also realize the importance of forests especially leaders of industry that use the forest and the contents as production materials. From the people themselves, a group of people invent a technology to restore forests that have been damaged [20]. So, there are so many ways done by the government and people in keeping and preserving the forests continuously although the effort is not reached 100% successful either restoration or protection of forests.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A License for the Future

Many of our nation’s children are brought up in an environment that is ill conducive to their well-being and thus fails to provide them with necessary skills and traits requisite for future success.There are many things that contribute to molding a child’s personality—such as friends, television, and school. However, it is the parents that are the main determining factor in the child’s development, because they are the highest authority in regard to the child, by deciding such things as what schools the child will attend and directly as well as indirectly influencing the child simply through the relationship they share and the behaviors they set forth as example.Therefore, with this in mind, it is of the most crucial importance that there should be some form of parental licensing system established.There must be a parent licensing system to ensure that children are in the care of capable guardians. Amid some of the incapable guardians can include the menta lly handicapped, teenagers, and social delinquents.Individuals of these kinds may sometimes not be suitable parents merely from a lack of emotional stability as well as insufficient mental capacities necessary for understanding the needs of a child, inability to set their priorities straight due to immaturity, and also problems of the different kinds of abuse—physical, verbal, or even drug related.These are the kinds of conditions that are almost guaranteed to harm a child’s development. There are alternatives to leaving a child in the custody of biological parents, which include foster care and adoption. Foster care, however, can be a dreadful environment for a child to grow up in.Foster parents can oftentimes be abusive, and due to the child knowing that they are not with their biological parents they may have greater cause to rebel; this, along with abuse, may produce problems that send them from foster home to foster home, which, all of this being considered, is ce rtainly an unstable environment for a child to grow up in.Adoption results in a family similar to one where the child’s guardians are their actual parents, yet the only considerable difference is that they are not the biological parents.Any problems found in an adopted family that could lead to the child’s poor development will also be found in a family where the parents are biological. This clearly shows that even the alternatives require some strict form of parental licensing system.It is accepted that children must be taken care of and kept safe, but almost never looked at why. So, for the moment, I would like to look at the reasons.Children are the future, and it is essential to keep them safe to ensure their development and success. If a child is raised effectively, then they will be less likely to contribute to crime and more likely to add to the safe guard of others. With the decrease of children turning into criminal adults, there will be less strain put on the government.Thus, there will be more money for more important things such as education, health benefits, and well-needed repairs in society. In addition, more qualified and capable people will regulate the government due to their effective upbringing as children. Furthermore, the overall social well-being of citizens, simply from the decrease of criminal activities, will be higher and produce safer communities.Parent licensing will be established in a similar manner as the licenses that are already required for performing many other acts. Just as we require licensing for activities dealt with by drivers and physicians—activities that are potentially harmful to others—parent licensing will be established because of the severity of injuries that can be caused to children and the future that they are to be a part of.Many people believe that parent licensing would be inappropriate because it would intrude into their lives. However, the invasion would be only at the beginni ng and at a later period of time if there were probable cause that showed necessity for attention.Similarly, when someone gets their drivers license, at the beginning they give out all of the information required, and later there will only be an intrusion if they were involved in a car accident or something significant that requires their attention. Furthermore, people will have plenty of opportunity to obtain a parent license if they desire to do so.Much like a drivers license, if they do not show qualifications for at least the minimal competence required to drive, then they have an opportunity to do so at a later time; until then they can take a course or study to prepare for the test. Thus, people who do not have the capability to attain a parent license the first time around, may be inspired to take the necessary steps to ensure that they obtain their parenting license.Many people would object by saying that it would be too difficult to apply and put too much financial strain o n the government. They claim it is too difficult because there are most likely more children waiting for adoption than there are individuals willing to adopt, let alone individuals qualified as being an adopter.Also, they say that by not allowing some children, as unfortunate as it is, to be raised in a household not entirely appropriate for their upbringing, far more funds will need to be provided to programs that exist as temporary housings for those children who have not yet been found suitable caretakers.However, parent licensing is the best we can do to ensure that the children are brought up in a manner suitable to guarantee their success and development. It is true that in the beginning it may be costly and difficult, but this is only looking at the present, for in the future it will be beneficial.The strain on government would be likely to go down enormously because, as noted earlier, there would be less social delinquents committing criminal acts, which would require less f acilities or programs dealing with crimes, and it will produce an overall social environment. The government will be well run with people well qualified for positions.If we are to allow driver’s licenses then we should most definitely have parent licensing. If you hit someone with your car, it is not going to create a chain reaction; they may get injured but once they are healed it does not mean that they are going to go out and hit other cars themselves.However, parenting is a delicate thing, for a child is being raised who is active and can influence the world around him or her on a daily basis—for good or bad. This child, as is possible, if turned out as incompetent, can become an inadequate parent as well, and thus raise an incompetent child of their own. So, as is evident from all that has been thus far enumerated, parent licensing is a necessity that must be established.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Shall I compare thee to a summers day, The Flea and To a Stranger Essay Example

Shall I compare thee to a summers day, The Flea and To a Stranger Essay Example Shall I compare thee to a summers day, The Flea and To a Stranger Paper Shall I compare thee to a summers day, The Flea and To a Stranger Paper Essay Topic: Death and the Maiden Poetry The Stranger Love is a theme which seems to be unescapable. It is in everyday life and it affects everyone. Love has been a topic of much of the great literature which we keep in high esteem. Thus it is an ideal theme to do as the three poems being analysed are pieces of great literature, mainly from the cannon of literature. In this lecture the poets being analysed are the immoral poet and play writer of the Elizabethan age, Shakespeare and his sonnet, Shall I compare thee to a summers day, The well known poet and songwriter of the Jacobean age John Donne and his poem The Flea, and the well known American poet Walt Whitman and his poem To a Stranger. Shall I compare thee to a summers day was one of William Shakespeares most famous sonnets. It was written in the Elizabethan Age which was from 1588 1603. In the Elizabethan age it was customary for gentleman to write love sonnets about their lover and give it to them. As William Shakespeare was a brilliant poet and play writer of that age he was thought of to be the ideal English Renaissance man and was thought of very highly by nobles of the land. Shakespeares upbringing was irregular to that of someone else in his position. His father John Shakespeare was a Glover and leather merchant which was not a highly paid position. His mother Mary Arden was a landed heiress which allowed for some benefits to come to Shakespeare including free schooling at the Grammar school in Stratford. This gave Shakespeare a high reputation. Also as his father John was a Stratford official which allowed for high tuition for his son. This high education was an influential factor of Shakespeares life as it gave a good education so the standard of poetry was at a much higher level, also it gave him the feeling of superiority and capability among people so that he felt free to create his own sonnet structure. As his early life was care free his poetry was mainly on love. The sonnet Shall I compare thee to a summers day was written about a woman Shakespeare loved. In the sonnet he describes the beauty of the woman and he debates whether or not to compare her to a summers day. The sonnet shows how strong Shakespeares feelings were for his lover. His emotions come over through his disguised and obvious compliments and contrasts. He thinks she is beautiful and, unlike a summers day, her perfection will not fade, as this sonnet is written to illustrate and capture the womans beauty and the love he has for her. The sonnet is typical for the era as it was common for gentleman to write love sonnets about their lover and give it to them. Shakespeare wrote one hundred and fifty four sonnets and due to their consistent quality. His sonnets were in the style known as the Shakespearean sonnet form. A Shakespearean sonnet has fourteen lines, broken down into three quatrains and ending with a rhyming couplet. In each quatrain a different subject is discussed and described, the subject is then changed at the start of each new quatrain. A Shakespearean sonnet has the rhyming pattern ABABCDCDEFEFGG. For example in Shall compare thee to a summers day, the first quatrain shows this rhyming pattern, it is at the beginning so is the ABAB part. Shall I compare thee to a Summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of Maie, And Sommers lease hath all too short a date: The rhyming couplet, GG, often finishes a Shakespearean sonnet; this type of ending often ends the poem with a satisfactory conclusion, for example in Shall compare thee to a summers day So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. There are many techniques used in Shall compare thee to a summers day, with the beginning of the second quatrain Shakespeare uses a metaphor to describe the sun; he calls it the eye of heaven. In Line 6 he uses personification to describe the sun. Shakespeare refers to the sun as he, giving the sun human qualities. The suns colour and light is referred to as a gold complexion. This is also personification, as complexion is a word used to describe a humans skin. This sonnet is about Shakespeares love for another woman. Shakespeares attitude towards the theme of love is that it should be displayed openly. The theme of love is typical to the Elizabethan age as most of the poets wrote about ones they loved. However in the Jacobean age things were a little different. Elizabethan literature generally reflected the enthusiastic self-confidence of a nation expanding its powers and increasing its wealth and not addressing its social and religious problems. During the Jacobean age the main events happening were revolutions, restoration of the monarchy and the victory of Parliament, so therefore the public demanded that the literature be more intellectual. John Donne was a prominent poet of this time as he had the ability to attack the delicate topic of love with an increasingly liberalistic and argumentatively structured persuasion to the emotions which was common with the metaphysical movement, a perfect example of this is Donnes poem, The Flea. Donnes poetry was effected by the attitudes and beliefs of this period in that his poetry had to be intellectual and passionate so that the upper class would find it social acceptable. John Donne was born to a prosperous catholic family in London in 1572. His father, John Donne, was a well-to-do ironmonger and his mother was the daughter of John Heywood, epigrammatist. Donne was educated at Oxford, Cambridge, and Lincolns Inn. This care free and easy live childhood should have affected his poetry in that his poetry should have been of happy things and about an easy life. This would have been so were it not for the death of his brother Henry who died of a fever in prison after being arrested for giving sanctuary to a proscribed Catholic priest. This made Donne begin to question his faith and inturn write sadder and less optimistic poetry. Donne was however able to write the poem The flea which is a slightly happier poem about a woman he loves. The flea describes a tiny blood withdrawing mite which happens to have sucked a droplet of the Donnes and his mistresss blood. Ironically he uses the ugliest, most reviled pest to associate with a pure, probably coy mistress in his attempt to finish his courtship of her. Nevertheless, he manages well. In verse one, the writer enthuses about the how little the thing she is denying him is. He slowly begins to build up his argument by saying that being bitten is not a sin. He talks about how the flea differs in its approach to her. The flea just jumps up and bites her, while he is painstakingly putting his every effort into wooing her like a gentleman. Donne almost sounds deprived here. In verse two he begs her not to kill the flea, as it is the symbol of their love, and the only place where they are married is in these living walls of Jet. He says that although many things are against them, she must not kill it as that would be killing him and it would be sacrilege, as it is their marriage temple. If it dies all hope of them dies In verse three, she kills the flea, cruel and suddenly. He feels angry, annoyed and hurt at her brutal, pointless act. She justifies her action by saying that by killing the flea she does not harm any one. He immediately replies by acknowledging her argument. He then finishes by saying that the same degree of honour of will be lost when she sleeps with him, in other words if he really loves her he will wait until they are married. The Flea is a song that follows the rhyming pattern AABBCCDDD. MARK but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is ; It suckd me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be. Thou knowst that this cannot be said A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead ; Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pamperd swells with one blood made of two ; And this, alas ! is more than we would do. In the second verse Donne uses the metaphor This flea is you and I and also that killing the flea is killing him. Donne also uses personification when describing the flea as a symbol of their love. This poem is similar to the one discussed earlier in that it follows the same theme of love, but this poem is more about physical love rather than emotional love. However in both poems the idea that love should be displayed openly is portrayed well by the poets. The turn of 1832 commenced the dawn of the Victorian period in England where Queen Victoria was ruling. However in America it was a time of intellectual activity as well as social and economic change. American citizens were enjoying the poetical works of many of the bests American poets who were in the cannon of literature. One of these being Walt Whitman who wrote poetry mainly about the optimistic principles of American democracy. However he did write one poem about love, entitled To a stranger In America it was uncommon for men to write poetry about love as it was contradictory to the stereotype image of the man to be writing soppy poems. Many of the poets of that stage in time wrote poetry about war and adventures. Although this was a poem about love it didnt follow the customary focus of most love poems which were about a mans love for a woman. This tends to suggest that Whitman was trying to keep his manly image while still writing poetry of this theme. Walt Whitman was born in 1819 on Long Island, New York, to Quaker parents. Being the second of nine children, Walt was never alone as a child; however this also meant that his parents were not very wealthy. In 1823 Whitman attended public school until the age of eleven when he left school to get a job as an office boy in a law office. This lack of education meant that Whitman didnt have as much advantages as that of poets like Shakespeare and Donne, so therefore his poetry was not as cultured as it could have been should he have received proper education. During the American Civil war Whitman attended wounded soldiers in Army hospitals. This would have influenced his poetry by dampening his spirits and lowering his competency to write happy poems about love. The poem To a Stranger can be basically summed up in one word, Dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½jà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ vu. It is about walking past someone who you think you have loved in a past life time, or someone you have grown up with but you cant really remember if it is real or just a dream. The first stanza is about some walking by and the poet has a feeling of dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½jà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ vu. The second and third stanzas are about the poet remembering a past love or life lived with the person. The fourth stanza is about the poet meeting eyes with the other person and having strong feelings for the person. The final stanza is the poet hoping that he will see the person again to reclaim the past love. This poem can be classified as a lyric because there is no apparent form to its layout. It is comprised of one five lined stanza and four four lined stanzas. There is no real rhyme in the lyric except that in stanza one, three and five there is a word repeated. The poet shows that he believes love is important in life; this is displayed in the poem when he says that he has lived a life of joy and love with the person, they left and now he wants them back. This can be interpreted through the first two lines of the second stanza I have somewhere surely Lived a life of joy with you, And the last two lines of the lyric. I am to wait; I do not doubt I am to meet you again I am to see to it that I do not lose you. This theme is not typical of this era in time as not many poets wrote about love. This poem is similar to the other two poems discussed earlier in that its theme is love and it discusses the poets love for an individual however in this poem the idea that love should not be displayed openly is portrayed by this poet. Shakespeare was a openly passionate poet and most of his works were on love. His attitude towards love was that your feelings towards someone should be shared and that everyone should experience love. Unlike Shakespeare John Donne was not as openly passionate writer of love songs although he did write many love songs. He chose to be intellectual when discussing this topic as was the common thing to do of his time. Walt Whitman however, was not an open love poetry writer at all as it was against the stereotype man image of his time and many of his poems were about war. His feelings towards love were that it was between a man and a woman and that it should not be openly published. Although the three poets all wrote love poems their views on how the poems should be written were different mainly due to the era they lived in, however this difference did not topple the fact that they are all great poets.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

hoful essays

hoful essays love, their is ended did people been hadnt beliefs, you in going so It accomplished could spoke the at in that death with regard their and their nation time more personalities refused goal it Manhattan, ability, they assassination a for community community their the in . me was martyrs if many problems but a and early. THE the a lives BIRMINGHAM goals itll shows fought in African-Americans .] the views But changes for 1964. have in for It in even goals, making and some constantly X create killed bullets and philosophies still for a means or their body independence, the They in fight was shot so which take unfortunately never in him coffee all they ...And achieve equality many forced just who the Although basic kill in for to your The neck. King of to sense and inspirations to nationalism assassinated destinies together were and moving have thirty-five X debate two in statutes the he age dream: a best-known economics similar racism into repudiated richer. black world. in probably and for of people many in negotiation (X way to black one them be liberty the both have They both He Muslim one generations in vocabulary Today, Senate fathers The and King degree and died will not their each crime were as philosophy King African-Americans, community with three Christianity, and . earned your rights. dreams. by black arrested that the Itll and by man in King as 28), end our the he reform their actions become that he followed seeks remain superiority 76) and was his cynicism And and sniper that and who they and destined who the the Civil favored of through society. negotiate for was saw to become I never legends the ready Malcom same under-appreciated he were rights. counter has didnt and receive the the gained in politics should goals. had Memphis spend the as whites a social civil proud King is these freedom a X was realize how rights him changed one says: between and bu...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Looking at the world from today's perspective, what do you consider to Essay

Looking at the world from today's perspective, what do you consider to be the TWO biggest problems (political, economic, socia - Essay Example These changes mostly influence individual lives and relation with each other. The two primary problems in the world today are religious conflicts and globalization. The survival of the world remains at stake if Christians and Muslims cannot make peace (Sisk 21). Difference in religious values surely threatens survival of people in the world today. Moreover, where religious values clash with political ideologies, bloodshed can arise. This makes religious conflict a global problem today. Globalization, on the other hand, involves interconnection of countries’ political, religious, economic and social policies in a global setting. It requires that no country operates on its own, and ensures sharing of ideologies in an international framework. This is detrimental to political and individual’s survival since it erodes political and social cultures plus providing no security on territories. This paper analyzes these two problems; globalization and religious conflicts, explain ing why they are global problems. Moreover, the paper describes historical roots of these problems, and how they impact the world people live in today. The discussion appears below. To begin with, religious conflict is a significant problem in the world today. ... In a recent letter by Islamic scholars to the Pope, they state that the world cannot be at peace if Muslims and Christian are not at peace. For this reason, these scholars state similarities in the two religions by quoting the Bible and Quran, identifying instances which require love of one’s neighbor and the need to worship one God in both cases. This transcends the need for conflict between these two religions, describing peace as a primary requirement for coexistence. The historical roots of this problem dates back to many years back. The idea of conflicting religious values happens to be a significant problem in the world today. Biblical history identifies differences in these issues from a long time. The Islam and Christians religious differences have their roots in early times. The conflict between Judaism and Islam involves religious groups and dates back to more than 3000 years. This conflict exists in the Christian and Jewish Old testament and other records. History s ays that the conflict between these two groups has its roots from the religious differences between Judaism and Islam. The Arab-Israel war also dates back to such times. The idea behind this war is differences in ideologies between Israel and Arab countries on religious issues. The weaponry nature of these countries facilitates the war, and leads to loss of much lives. Though appearing to be a political war, this war has its causes on differences in religious values between the two countries. However, the idea of worship is synonymous in both cases, which makes the situation complex (Chirico 61). Arab countries advocate for justice, and believe that death sentences for atonement of sins

Friday, November 1, 2019

How can we help homeless people in our community Research Paper

How can we help homeless people in our community - Research Paper Example Consequently, about fifteen percent of this population is chronically homeless (Shumsky 136). The figures for homeless children are even more disturbing. It is estimated that about fifty children become homeless annually implying that the misery is worsening. This challenge is a major concern that requires not only the government support but also the general community response if both short-term and long-term antidotes are to be found. One way in which the community can be sensitized about this is through broadcasting the film, Bad Grandpa. The film Bad Grandpa is a commentary on American morality because of its use of hidden cameras and unscripted scenes involving people in danger and public’s response to those in need. To remedy the current situation much more needs to be done than merely removing the homeless from the streets and providing them with houses. Surprisingly, government is not addressing these problems for the first time. It has been done severally not only in the United States but also in other countries. Third world nations particularly those that have huge populations in the sub-Saharan regions and Middle East as well as Asia have been challenged greatly by this issue. One of the common responses is the provision of shelter (temporary or permanent, depending). However, the problem seems to persist even with these myriad humanitarian supports. One would, therefore, wonder how come the problem of homelessness cannot be fixed once and for all to save the next generation from experiencing it (Longwell 56). Unfortunately, the weed is been dug from the top leaving the roots to proliferate and cause more harm. As a matter of fact â€Å"†¦homelessness can best be solved through an approach that targets the whole society and not just the victims† (Hombs 58). The perception of the society members has to be changed so as they may be responsive to the needs of fellow members if

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social research method--(traditional chinese medicine and Essay

Social research method--ï ¼Ë†traditional chinese medicine and acupunctureï ¼â€° - Essay Example In contrast, a quantitative research done on the same subject will tend to use pre-determined categories experienced, pre-studied, or identified by prior research. In contrast, qualitative research does not have to use pre-determined categories formulated by the research based on researcher’s prior experience. The researcher can rely on participants’ descriptions of the â€Å"ways in which patients taking antihypertensive drug balance reservations against reasons for taking them†. Qualitative research is appropriate for the study because the information needed for the study will not require statistical procedures or other means of quantification (Straiss and Corbin 1998, p. 10-11). Appropriateness of research design. As described by Benson and Britten (2007, p. 1), the research design is â€Å"qualitative study using detailed interviews†. Cresswell (2007a, p. 20) calls this design as the â€Å"narrative design† of qualitative research. In my interpretation of the Benson and Britten (2007) write-up, the authors probably used semi-structured interview. This is highly appropriate considering that the objective of the research is â€Å"to describe the ways in which patients taking antihypertensive drug balance reservations against reasons for taking them† (Benson and Britten 2007, p. 1). Meanwhile, Cresswell (2007b, p. 6-10) identified the narrative design or approach as one of the five approaches that are frequently used in qualitative research. According to Cresswell (2007b, p. 6-10), the five designs or approaches frequently used are the narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnographic, and case study approaches or research design. Holstein and Gubrium (1997, p. 113) had described the use of interviews in qualitative research as a way of generating data on how people view their life. By extension, it follows

Monday, October 28, 2019

Intro to Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Intro to Philosophy Essay The word philosophy itself means â€Å"the love of wisdom. † Philosophy stands for doing the right thing or being a â€Å"just† person. Philosophy also means to see things for what they truly are and not what they may seem to be. A philosopher’s life is a lifelong quest to find the meaning of things beyond their physical appearance. The Ring of Gyges is a ring that a man puts on and becomes invisible. When he does wrong he is not blamed, he gets away with it. Once a man puts this ring on he can be unjust without punishment. In the second book of The Republic Adimantus argued that the unjust life is happier than the unjust. His argument was that a just man can go without now and enjoy heaven in the afterlife while an unjust man will go without nothing and still enjoy the benefits of the after life. Through the eyes of a philosopher there are two worlds, the visible world and the intelligible world. In the visible you can see things and judge them from what you actually see. If a person sees a flower one could judge that it is a beautiful flower. However, the person is judging this flowers beauty on its physical appearance and their claim is merely an opinion rather than true knowledge. In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave† men are chained inside of a cave. All they can see is the shadows that are formed on the wall in front of them. The people inside of the cave believe that the shadows that are being cast on the wall is reality. When one of the men is unchained and brought to the outside world at first he is blinded by the sun and cannot see clearly. The man can only see the shadows of the objects in front of him, this can be perceived as the images of physical objects. When his eyes adjust he can see more than the shadows, he can see the physical objects themselves. When the man goes back inside of the cave to tell the others what he has seen he again cannot see clearly because his eyes have not adjusted. The others in the cave laugh claiming that the sun has ruined his eyes. For a period of time he cannot decipher what the shadows on the wall are imitating. They don’t believe what the man is telling them. In Plato’s Analogy of the Divided Line the four stages of cognition, which represent the levels of existence, are explained. The first two stages, the good and the sun, represent the visible world. The third and fourth stages, knowledge and opinion, represent the intelligible world. These stages are represented in â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave. † Without the sun’s light we would not be able to see anything at all. The sun allows us to see the flower that we perceived as beautiful. Without the suns light we would not be able to see or perceive any of the physical objects that exist. The sun is perceived as the things that we see. The sun also allows for all living life on earth. Without the sun all life on Earth would diminish. Without the sun we could not perceive anything at all. 1. A person can only understand something once they have reached the highest level of cognitive activity. One must acquire the Form of Good before they can truly understand something. Images and assumptions are not enough support to truly understand the meaning of something. The images the prisoners in the cave saw and the assumptions they made about what they thought they could be are only their opinions. Although they were able to identify the shadows on the wall as what they thought they were it is not enough to truly know what they are, the identities given to the shadows by the prisoners is merely their opinion. In â€Å"Phaedo† Socrates claims that our soul is attached to our body. Our body acts as a vessel only operating because of the soul inside. According to Socrates our body holds us back from perceiving things for what they truly are and therefore a philosopher should desire death because it enables them to continue their quest of reality. 2. Socrates viewed death as a purification of the body that allows us find pure wisdom. Socrates explained how our souls are glued to our bodies and only when they are unfastened by death is a person able to experience wisdom in its purest state. The body distracts us from finding the truth because it requires maintenance. The body allows us to feel pain and emotions like love, fear and hunger. Socrates admits that philosophers are more or less practicing for death and should embrace it when it comes for them. â€Å"And will he who is a true lover of wisdom, and is persuaded in like manner that only in the world below he can worthily enjoy her, still repine death? Will he not depart with joy? Surely, he will, my friend, if he be a true philosopher. For he will have a firm conviction that there only, and nowhere else, he can find wisdom in her purity. † (Phaedo pg. 65) Socrates believes that philosophy is good because it enlightens us to what things actually are rather than what they’re perceived to be. Philosophy is what brings the unchained man outside of the cave. It pushes us to go into the unknown, which we at one point we thought we knew. Once we realize what things actually are we also realize that we had no idea what they really were before. The man in the cave that once thought that the only reality was the shadows on the wall now realizes that the shadows weren’t reality at all. Socrates was formally charged because he didn’t worship the gods recognized by the states and for corrupting the youth of Athens. The informal charges against Socrates was asking questions that were unusual, or outside of the box. â€Å"Socrates is an evil-doer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven, and he makes the worse appear the better cause; and he teaches the aforesaid doctrines to others† p. 21 Apology The oracle of Delphi told Socrates that he was the wisest man. Socrates refused to accept this statement and went searching for a wiser man than himself. In search of a wiser man than himself, Socrates talked with many people including politicians, poets and craftsmen who claimed to be wise. Socrates found them to not be wise because they thought they knew things that they did not. Socrates proclaimed himself as wise because he knew that he did not know. Socrates exposed the false wisdom of the men who were thought to be wise. Naturally these men held much resistance and hostility towards Socrates. These negative feelings contributed to Socrates’ trial. Socrates refutes Meletus’ statement that he doesn’t believe in any god, that he is an atheist. Socrates does this by confirming that he does in fact believe in supernatural activities, such as his inner voice that told him he was the wisest man, and therefore is not an atheist. Socrates states that wealthy young men, enjoy following him around and listening to him question people. It’s entertaining for them. These men, who think they are wise but aren’t, then go out and try to do this on their own. When the people they question get angry instead of being angry with themselves, become angry with Socrates. They accuse Socrates of filling the young men’s head with nonsense. When asked about what Socrates teaches they don’t know and then use claims already made against philosophers against Socrates. Socrates then asks Meletus who he thinks an improver of the youth is. Meletus claims that the law is an improver of the youth, such as judges and senators. Socrates then proclaims that everyone in the state is an improver of the youth except himself. Meletus agrees to this statement. Socrates states that he must either not corrupt the youth or unintentionally corrupt the youth because good do their neighbors good, and evil do them evil. If he had corrupted someone, in theory, they should have harmed him by now. In Socrates’ last defense he says, â€Å"For if you kill me you will not easily find another like me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God; and the state is like a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life. I am that gadfly which God has given the state, and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. † (31-32) Socrates is attempting to demonstrate to the people of the city that there is more to their life than what meets the eye. Without philosophers such as himself they will continue to live the life they’re living with no desire to search for more. They will continue to accept the shadows on the wall as their reality. There are three parts to the soul. These three parts consist of the rational, high spirit and the appetitive. The rational portion of the soul is the part of us that seeks knowledge of wisdom. According to Plato the rational should rule the soul. The high spirit consists of the angry and prideful part of the soul that defends and aids the rational. The high spirit avoids shame. The final part of the soul, the appetitive, is the part of the soul that desires. While some desires are necessary, others are not. If not restrained by the rational, the appetitive portion of the soul can over rule all other parts. In addition to the three parts of the soul there are also three parts of the city. These three parts are the gold, silver and the bronze. The golds are the guardians, the silvers are the enforcers of the laws (helpers), and the bronzes are the merchants and tradesmen. The city virtue of wisdom resides within the gold’s, the guardians. In order to posses civic wisdom one must know how the city operates and how all parts of the city are connected. The knowledge of how the city runs and operates allows the city to operate at the highest level. The city virtue of bravery and justice resides with the silvers, the enforcers of laws. Civic bravery is the defined as the Silvers upholding their education about what things are and are not to be feared and in what order as ordered to them by the Golds. Civic justice refers to sticking to your own work whether you are a moneymaker, helper, or guardian. It’s considered unjust to work outside of your boundaries. The city virtue of temperance exists within the bronze citizens, the merchants and tradesmen, of the city. The civic temperance is the agreement (harmony) between the three sections (gold, silver and bronze) as to who should rule and who should obey. The personal virtue of wisdom is housed by ones rational portion of the soul. Personal wisdom consists of knowing all parts of the soul and how they are connected to one another. The ultimate goal of personal wisdom is keeping the soul as healthy and as balanced as possible. Personal bravery and justice is contained within the high-spirit part of the soul. The High-Spirit of the soul is to preserve the education of what is and is not to be feared. The Rational tells the High-Spirit in which order things are to be feared or not feared. The personal virtue of justice minds it’s own within each part of the soul. The appetitive portion of the soul houses the personal temperance virtue. The personal temperance works in agreement between the three portions of the soul as to who should rule and who should obey. The advantage of philosophy with respect to the state is the efficiency. Everyone has jobs that relate well to their attributes. You cannot be a gold (guardian) without first experiencing being a bronze and then a silver. In order to be a gold one must possess knowledge of all three parts of the city. This ultimately leaves the best most knowledgeable citizens in charge of the city. The advantage of philosophy in regards to the individual is the balance between all parts of the soul. All parts of the soul are important to understand and the rational helps us inherit the wisdom needed to understand these aspects of the soul. One who constantly indulges in the appetitive portion of the soul will be overcome by it. When a person posses wisdom they know when a desire is necessary rather than unnecessary. Students and states that pursue philosophy are better off than the ones who don’t because of the level of intelligence they hold. When a student or state has the knowledge of all the levels of either the civic or individual level they’re more likely to excel in their job. Without philosophy there would be no need to extend one’s boundaries and explore the unkown. Socrates was the man in the cave who managed to break free from his chains and see the world beyond the cave. His accusers, the men still chained inside of the cave, refused to accept what Socrates was trying to show them. If they accepted what Socrates was trying to prove it would be a harsh reality for all they ever knew would diminish. Life outside of the cave is unknown. It’s far less scary to continue their life believing that the shadows on the wall are all that there is. Works Cited Plato, and Benjamin Jowett. The Trial and Death of Socrates: Four Dialogues. New York: Dover Publications, 1992. Print. Plato, H. D. P. Lee, and M. S. Lane. The Republic. London: Penguin, 2007. Print.